Engage Newcomers Lunch (25th August)
Engage Newcomers Lunch
August 25, 2024
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Feeling new at St Paul’s and wondering how to get connected?
Our Engage Lunch is held straight after our 10am service on our church premises. It’s a great way to get to know a little bit more about St Paul’s and who we are as a church – from key things like what we believe and our values, to finding out more about the different ministry activities we have for kids through to seniors. This is an easy way to get to know other new congregation members as well as meet some regulars, and some of our staff team will be at each event so you can ask any questions you have about our church. There is no cost, just come and enjoy some good food and company! We do ask you to register for catering purposes and to let us know if you have any dietary needs.
Whether you have just joined us recently, or have been at our church for a while but are still feeling a little disconnected, we invite you to join us for a meal and a chance to chat to our team and make some new friends. Bring the whole family as we’d love to meet your kids and engage them in some fun games and activities.
Register now, or if you have questions you can get in touch with us by emailing info@stpauls.church