Serving at St Paul’s
“From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” Ephesians 4:16
We’d love to have you join one of our volunteer teams here at St Paul’s. No matter your skill-set, giftings or available time, we can help you identify an area to get involved in. Serving is one of the best ways to engage in the life of our church, as you will meet new people and grow deeper in community.
Below you will see a whole range of teams you might like to consider joining – click the ➩ symbol and you will find a detailed job description you can read for that role to help you understand the commitment and responsibilities.
Once you have had a read, fill in our enquiry form to let us know you are interested in serving, and a member of our staff team will get in touch to help you take the next steps.

Kids Alive – Welcoming/Check-In ➩
Kids Alive – Leader ➩
Kids Alive – Junior Helper (Yrs 5-8) ➩
Kids Alive – Junior Leader (Yrs 9-12) ➩
Kids Alive – Special Needs Carer ➩
Kids Alive – Technical Production ➩
Kids Alive – Holiday Helper ➩
Kids Connect – Leader ➩
Kids – Childcare for Thur morning small group ➩
Kids – SRE Teacher ➩
Kids – Easter Camp Leader
The list above is just some of the ways you can serve, so even if you don’t see something here that seems like the right fit for you, we’d still love to chat with you!