Men’s Breakfast
Men's Breakfast
February 24, 2024
7:30 am - 9:00 am
“Living Water: Out of the Comfort Zone”
All men of St Paul’s are invited to spend the morning together as we enjoy a BBQ brekkie.
Our guest speaker is Norm Gorrie, our link missionary who has been serving in Marsabit, Kenya through CMS. Norm will join us to share stories from his time on the mission field.
$5 for a BBQ breakfast, with all proceeds going to support the Anglican Aid project: Marsabit Generate! Water Harvesting and Harnessing
Anglican Aid is partnering with the Diocese of Marsabit, Kenya, to support communities in harvesting and harnessing water in this drought-prone region.
To find out more info about this project visit:
This will be opportunity for us to deepen connections with men from across all of our congregations, and grow in faith together.
No need to register, just come along on the day and bring some mates!
A quick note to say that we are also tackling some maintenance around our property with a working bee that morning – we will kick off at 9am straight after our breakfast, and go through until morning tea at 10:30 – we’d love if you could stick around to help out!