“Subjects and Citizens: The politics of the gospel”
Teaching Night
August 29, 2024
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Guest speaker Michael Jensen joins us for our August Teaching Night, hosted by our Men’s Ministry.
As we move firmly into ‘Election Season’ (from local council through to Donald Trump!), Michael will help us rediscover “a truly Christ-centred vision for human politics”. The heart of that vision is based around a careful study of Romans 12-15, calling Christians to be who they are as the church: “subjects of the Lord Jesus and citizens of the kingdom of heaven”. This perspective will help you navigate the alienation & anxiety that dominate contemporary debates, providing a fresh way to think about politics.
Supper provided, this is free event and no need to rego, just come along on the night!
Please note that whilst this event is hosted by our Men’s Ministry, we know many of our church family will be interested in what Michael has to say on this topic, so all are welcome!
Read more about Michael >> BIO