Team Night
Team Night
August 6, 2024
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
We are so grateful for our volunteers who faithfully serve every Sunday and at events throughout the week. Our vocalists and musicians, our audio and lighting teams, visual media, camera team, photographers, videographers, stage design team – all of you play a part in creating worship environments that allow our church family to experience Jesus.
Currently serving in one of these areas? Team Night is for you!
Have you wanted to serve in one of these areas but don’t know how to get started? Team Night is for you! Meet our team leaders, other volunteers, and ask us questions about how you can get connected.
More details to come, but for now save the date and plan to be there!
If you have any questions about Team Night please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Creative Director Jess Forrester
Phone: (02) 8858 1111