Tim and Lauren

Tim and Lauren
⚲ Glasgow, Scotland
Planting Glasgow’s first new evangelical Anglican church in 150 years
Glasgow is not the gospel city she used to be. Her streets used to rally around the motto “Lord let Glasgow flourish through the preaching of thy word and praising thy name.” Today, the motto is “People Make Glasgow” but the people who make the city are as devoid of Christ as their motto. Evangelical Christians now make up about 2% of the greater Glasgow area, with the East End an even more dire 0.3%. It is home to 276,000 people who desperately need Bible-teaching churches planted that will hold out the gospel of the Lord Jesus in a contextually appropriate way.
God willing, we will be partnering with St Silas Episcopal Church to lead Glasgow’s first evangelical Anglican church plant for 150 years. The gospel generosity of St Silas and other evangelical churches from many denominations in Glasgow has been a huge encouragement to us, and we value your prayerful support for us on this venture.